Alternately I suppose we could have everyone join as spectators and only switch to a team when everyone's in, perhaps. Cheers if you can help - I'm a little new to this but would love an answer I can do reliably throughout the night. So if you get the first role, you need to find all hiding players on the map. Basically, Garrys Mod Prop Hunt is a hide and seek where you have destructive weapons. So you can be a hunter, or an object that needs to hide. Is there a way for us to do this with a command in PropHunt? If worst comes to worst we can just have the first round be a practice round if necessary, but three minutes on every game in a 16-team tourney is about an hour and a half in wasted time. So let’s get started In the beginning of the game you receive a role. I've tried mp_restartgame 1 and mp_restartround 1 - the former does nothing (although told me I had autokick disabled the first time), the latter says it will restart in one second and then cheerily doesn't. I'm looking for a way to either force a round to end or to restart once we have everyone in the game. To create a game: change your game mode to Prop Hunt click on Sandbox in the bottom right hand corner of the main menu, then Start New Game. Even though Garrys Gmod has been around for over 10 years, some people are just now learning how to play certain gamemodes, like Gmod Prop Hunt in 2023 and beyond. We also have a fairly strict time limit on the full run of the thing (ie, we don't want to be still running at midnight if we can help it).

We're running a PH tournament on our forums and we want to give everyone ample time to be able to get into a game before we kick off a round.