Kennedy was “invited” to train hard and work for the government. The Resident Evil 4 remake takes place 6 years after the events from RE2 and 3. The Resident Evil 4 remake has been highly anticipated but there was always a chance that it could go the way of RE3 and forgo its old charm, replacing it with flashy graphics and smoother gameplay, hoping that no one would notice everything it lacked. Sure, there new character designs giving Jill a shiny new face but some of the best parts of the game were removed leaving fans wondering what happened.

The RE2 remake was outstanding but the RE3 remake felt almost as an afterthought.

It’s been really hit or miss for Capcom in the last few years in regards to the remakes of their most popular games. Platforms: Playstation 5 (reviewed on), Playstation 4, Xbox Series X/S, PC